What we do

We support you to support your team and others in both your professional and personal wellbeing.

With an ever-increasing focus on Mental Health and Wellbeing, there is no better time to let us help you build your strategy and create an environment where people feel comfortable talking about the uncomfortable and being comfortable as their Whole Self.

Creating a working space that looks after its colleagues can only be beneficial to both the company and its colleagues.

We are creatures of habits and for generations Mental health and Suicide have been ‘taboo’ subjects to bring to work or even talk about them to the people we love.

Talking about we feel can be seen as controversial, not talking about them can be devastating on the person and people around them.

Here at Mental Strength and Wellbeing we work with you to encourage an open environment where people can talk, they have someone to talk to and they are reassured that they can talk in confidence without judgement.

How do we do that?

Creating a space that separates work from the issue and embed a Coaching culture that supports, informs and develops a safe one on one space for everyone.

Building a Mentally Healthy Workspace that is proactive, supports colleagues and that prevents poor Mental Health

Develop your leaders to have a greater understanding of Mental Health and Wellbeing

Training your colleagues in Mental health Awareness and Mental Health First Aid has proven to be beneficial to a lot of organisations.

Does it have to be a leader? – No, it can be anyone who wants to develop their knowledge and understanding of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.

As Richard Branson quoted ‘Look after your staff and your staff will look after your customers’

Look after your Leaders and your leaders will look after their teams.
Having a leadership team that is equipped to recognise the signs of mental distress or crisis and know how to approach and assist can only be beneficial for the ROI and Mental Capacity for all concerned.

Reports are showing that the HR team are doing more work on Mental Health related issues. How would it feel if your leadership team were more equipped to support others and know at what point it needs to be referred on?

We are here to help you develop the strategy that not only develops your leaders; it also develops your teams and allows for the open communication without judgement and condemnation from others.

LET’S TALK and allow people to be the person they want to be and help reduce the stigma and discrimination of Mental Health and Suicide.


Coaching is about getting the best from a person. It is easy to understand how it works in sport – the coach works to refine and perfect your strengths to reach peak performance. By exploring an individual’s abilities and aspirations, the coach can shine a light on your potential and guide you along the path to your goals.

Coaching is focussed on the present and future and is geared towards achieving set goals, growing personally or professionally, improving effectiveness, finding balance and having a more fulfilling life. A coach acts as a catalyst for your personal and professional development, helping you to clarify your career ambitions and explore what makes you tick.

Our coaches work with you and help you to:

- Explore your ambitions
- Discover what makes you tick
- Grow your potential
- Improve your motivation
- Enhance your self-confidence
I- ncrease your competitive edge

We also offer coaching in the following areas:
- CV development and job applications
- Interview readiness
- Networking skills
- Wellbeing
- Business Development

About our Coaches

Our Coaches have a wealth of experience and come from a wide range of industry backgrounds. Collectively their professional network is extensive and this can be of great benefit to our clients.

While your coaching sessions will always be one-to-one with the same coach, we work as a team where appropriate to ensure our clients receive the full benefit of this network and our coaching experience.

Business Readiness

We work with Educational establishments to help introduce a variety of employability related skills into all areas of their curriculum.

Employers constantly flag business or commercial awareness as a ‘must have’ skill for graduates, particularly those who have not had the benefit of a work-placement year. Whilst employers do not expect new graduates to be business gurus from day one, they do expect a degree of basic knowledge and understanding of key principles and the business environment in which they operate.

To prepare you for the ‘world of work’, we work with you in the following areas-

Business Etiquette

Success in any industry relies on relationships, whether with co-workers, clients, suppliers, or investors. When you’re well-mannered and considerate in dealing with others, you create engaging, productive, and long term business relationships. As such, it is important to learn, not just the technical side of a business, but how to conduct one’s self in the company of others.

This is where business etiquette comes in. The following areas are where we can help you develop with training, coaching or mentoring.

Effective Communications

For the better part of every day, we are communicating to and with others. Whether it’s the speech you deliver in the boardroom, the level of attention you give your spouse when they are talking to you, or the look that you give to the cat, it all means something. Effective communication is about understanding the different methods of communication and how to make the most of each of them.

Interpersonal Skills

We’ve all met that dynamic, charismatic person that just has a way with others, and has a way of being remembered. Interpersonal skills are all about how we communicate, negotiation techniques, making an impact and building lasting relationships.
Presentation Skills

Can benefit anyone who presents, a trainer, a meeting facilitator, speaker, or seminar discussion leader. No matter which role you are assuming, having great presentation skills will help you become more efficient and proficient with the skills of providing information to others.

We also offer tailored or bespoke training and coaching programmes in –

* Leadership – Suitable for existing and new leaders in how to lead and build a performing team.
* Mental Health and Well-Being – We all have Mental Health and well-being is a key element for any individual and organisation. Learning how to spot the signs of someone who is struggling and what support we can offer is important. We offer a range of Adult * Mental Health Courses to suit your individual and business needs –
* Mental Health Awareness
* Mental Health Champion
* Mental Health First Aid
* Mental Health First Aid Refresher courses
* Suicide First Aid
* The Resilient Mindset
* The Compassionate Mindset
* Coaching for Wellbeing, plus lots more

Mental Health and Suicide are 2 subjects that a lot of people would rather not talk about.

How would it be if we could create a safe space for people to speak up about how they feel and know how to support them, where to signpost them to and how to start the conversation as an early intervention that could prevent crisis for the individual?

Learning how to spot the signs of someone who is in distress or crisis and what support we can offer them is important in supporting a colleague / friend or family member.

* We currently offer the following courses to support your organisation in developing your leader’s knowledge and skills in Mental Health Awareness–
- 0.5 day Become Mental Aware (MHFA England) * 2-day Mental Health First Aider (MHFA England)
- MHFA Champion * The resilient Mindset
- The compassionate Mindset * Coaching for Wellbeing

Adult ‘Mental Health First Aid’ Training – Having a Mental Health First Aider on site can help the business to support their colleagues and have a point of contact for them to approach if they are in distress or crisis.

Our course is accredited by MHFA England and offers you the opportunity to enhance your knowledge and skills around some of the common Mental Health conditions.

This course is delivered over 2 days and is a blended approach to learning and while it does not qualify you to diagnose – it will allow you to spot the signs and symptoms of Mental Health issues developing.

Become ‘Mental Health Aware’ Training – More and more people are wanting to learn more about Mental Health and our ‘Become Mental Aware’ course will allow for that. It is delivered online or in person across 4 hours and has the research undertaken by MHFA England to support the subject of awareness.

If after this course you wish to undertake the MHFA 2 day course and learn more in depth about how to support yourself or another person, we offer a 10% discount of the cost for those who have attended the Become Mental Aware course.

Once the 2 day course is completed all learners have the opportunity to undertake a Level 3 in Mental Health First Aid with Royal Society of Public Health.

Get in touch for more details on attending our courses and for group bookings at 
